Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

We're hosting Thanksgiving this year...for those of you who know me, you're probably a little worried about what my poor guests will be eating.  No need to worry...I did the grocery shopping, but am not all responsible for the cooking!  Whew!  :)  Anyway, since we're hosting, and since Mackenna is in the information-sponging age of 3, we've been talking about it and preparing for Thanksgiving for a while now.  Thought I'd share a few of the things up around our house today!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

I got the inspiration for this wreath from Pinterest...here is the website if you're interested in doing this super easy, quick, inexpensive project: http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/10/tricks-treats-autumn-fabric-wreath-by-elise-blaha.html

I used the leftover fabric scraps to make this garland for our mantle.

We're using this calendar at home to help Mackenna with her numbers and days of the week.

Isn't this cute?!  MJ painted a small paper plate brown, we glued feathers to the back, made feet with pipe cleaners and added the finishing touches (hat sticker & googly eyes).

Mackenna knows all of her uppercase letters, so I made up this activity to help her match the letters she already knows with their lowercase versions.  (She calls them baby letters.)  Painters tape, index cards, plastic baggies, a sharpie and a pair of scissors...will have to do another word after Thursday!

Love this one too...I painted MJ's hand, then she stamped it down on the paper.  We made Thanksgiving cards with this handprint turkey for relatives that we won't see for Thanksgiving this year.

I found this idea on Pinterest as well...it's our Thankful Tree.  Each night after dinner we talk about something(s) we are thankful for, write them down, and then hang them on the tree.  This will probably become an annual tradition.

Found these printables on Pinterest.  You can find them here: http://adventuresofabettycrockerwannabe.blogspot.com/search/label/Printable

Another use for some of the leftover fabric strips from the wreath.

This turkey we found in the dollar spot at Target!  A fun, sticker activity for a buck!  :)

And of all the things I'm thankful for this year...this one takes the cake.  In the midst of trying to juggle life and all the amazing things God has blessed me with (kids, marriage, photography, family, friends, home, etc., etc.) it is His grace that amazes me the most.  I am not perfect in anyway, and although I sometimes think I ought to be, I am very often reminded that I am not.  :)  And that's ok.  God's grace covers a multitude of sins...I am thankful for that.  If you don't know about the grace that God offers to all (including you), please ask me about it.  I'd love to tell you how grace has changed my life.  :) 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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