I was standing in our guest bedroom four years ago when I got the phone call. "Kelly is having the baby. Please pray." I placed my hand over my belly where my own daughter was growing and knowing that it was WAY too soon for Kelly's daughter to enter the world, tears rolled down my cheeks. Kelly's pregnancy was just 28 weeks along. We were hanging out by her parents' pool just the day before this phone call, talking about how our girls were going to be such good friends...and now my prayers were begging for such a future. Twenty-eight weeks...three months early. I know that stories like this don't always have a happy ending and I'm not sure why God sometimes chooses to give and sometimes chooses to take away. But on September 2nd, 2008, He chose to give. To give life and to give a miracle to tiny Miss M's family. She was 1 pound, 14 ounces when she was born. She spent about three months in the NICU. Today she is four years old. And she is perfect! Perfectly beautiful. Perfectly spunky. Perfectly sweet. Perfectly alive thanks to the grace and power of God.
I remember that day, too... I got the call from Katie. Shocked. So thankful God kept Her safely in his arms! She is perfect! :)